Boston Musical Intelligencer: Fly The Coop Live is "Wit, panache, and the jubilant, virtuosic v
DECEMBER 22, 2018 Eclectic Adventures with AMOC by CJ Ru What better antidote to December doldrums or holiday hustle than to let one’s...

New York Times: Fly The Coop Live "blindingly impressive" and "a fizzing, daring disp
THAT DECISIVE MOMENT Favorite Christmas Sounds: The Week in Classical Music Last weekend was the second annual Run AMOC! Festival at the...

Venturing outside the box with American Modern Opera Company’s flutist - By Zoë Madonna GLOBE STAFF
Read the full article here. Listening to her 2017 album, “Amour Cruel,” which sounds like what would happen if Lana del Rey ended up at...